On this festive episode of The Halo Halo Podcast, our co-hosts get into the holiday and birthday spirit! In a bit of a throwback to season 2, Episode 205, “The Spirit of Hallmark Christmas Movies” Sigi and Jezzie discussed how the Hallmark Channel created the Industrial Christmas Rom Com Complex–started in 2009 with their “Countdown to Christmas”. This year, the co-hosts focus on Netflix’s take on the Christmas Rom Com. From Lilo’s latest comeback in "Falling for Christmas" and "Single All the Way", Sigi and Jezzie talk small town holiday traditions, Jingle Bell Rock and the Netflix Cinematic Universe. Later the discussion shifts from the twists and spins that Netflix puts on holiday movies, to the twists the Filipinos put on festive occasions and life. The Filipino twist isn’t about being extra, it’s about having a contagious zest for life.This holiday season, The Halo Halo Podcasts encourages our listeners to immerse yourself in the joy of the season by letting yourself get caught up in the zest of the Christmas Spirit!