On this episode of The Halo Halo Podcast we are pleased to have Gelaine Santiago, co-founder and CEO of Cambio & Co. join our co-hosts in the virtual studios. Gelaine shares her journey from the province of Bulacan in the Philippines to Canada. Along the way she and the co-hosts revisit reinventing themselves in university and socializing with their peers at Guelph and Western. Gelaine shares that it was that fateful trip to the Philippines in 2012, (where she had some amazing lechon) and a reconnection with her roots where the idea of Cambio & Co. first came to her and her husband, (Cambio’s Co-founder.) This Filipino jewelry company provides sustainable livelihood for artisans in the Philippines and empowers Filipinos in the diaspora to #wearyourheritage. In 2019, Gelaine launched Sinta & Co, a Filipino wedding boutique to help couples celebrate their heritage on their wedding and milestone events. And now, you can book an appointment to visit Bahay Cambio, their Filipino jewelry and wedding showroom in Toronto.
Download this episode and listen to hear more of this candid conversation!
And hey what are you waiting for, go to www.shopcambio.co and check it out! And on Instagram follow @cambio_co, @sinta_co, and @gelainesantiago.