Welcome to to our first three-quarter's episode! No, this isn't a tribute to Harry Potter. This is a snack-size (meryenda) episode to help tide you over when there are three weeks between our full episodes. In these episodes, we try our best to debunk a Filipino custom/tradition or stereotype/myth. In this meryenda episode, we do our best to explain why Filipinos walk with tsinelas (slippers) inside one's house. We take a closer look at why we have alot of Titas. We do a bit of a history dive as to why Filipinos love karaoke. Finally, why do we eat with forks and spoons?
In the Mix this Week:
- Tagalog Lang's take on Tsinelas,
- Filipino Titas on Thanksgiving,
- Filipino styles and honorifics,
- Karaoke-Inventor Roberto Del Rosario ,
- Westlife's Uptown Girl,
- Bobby Brown,
- Sonorant,
- Spoon over Fork,
- Ponderosa and Bonaza Steakhouses (They still exist!)
Version: 20241125