Sigi and Jezzie welcome back friend of The Halo Halo Podcast and fellow creative, Mailyne in The Halo Halo Virtual Studios for this episode. The group discusses Wellness Accounts they follow on Instagram for inspiration, resources, education and physical and mental health. They then go into a deeper discussion on the definition of self-care, how it relates to activism and how we prioritize it. Our fixing of the week reminds us to ritualize our self care regimen. Once it becomes a ritual, it is harder for you to abandon.
To find out more about Mailyne, check out her personal and not-for profit ventures IG accounts, @iammailyne, @kilammedia, @inourtongues and @artinactionottawa, and visit her business website at Firegrove Studio.
In the mix:
- IG: @the.drtherapinay
- SUPERHUMAN Podcast with Wil Dasovich on Spotify,
- IG: @thenapministry,
- IG: @nedratawwab