On this Taste Test Episode of The Halo Halo Podcast, Jezzie samples the documentary White Hot: The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie and Fitch currently streaming on Netflix. Like pickled sushi ginger, this eye opening doc was a palate cleanser. The trendy sportswear line was the unofficial brand of “the all American” collegiate preppy in the late 90s and early aughts. The fallen CEO Mike Jeffries had created a brand which perfected selling sex and popularity to young adults in high school and college with the A&F black and white images of shirtless models (courtesy of photographer, Bruce Weber.) The documentary outlines the various scandals of racist graphic tees (‘Two Wongs Can Make It White’); hiring practices/standards for beauty; mistreating employees of colour leading to lawsuits and the questionable predatory nature of Bruce Weber.
Take a trip back to the late 90s/early aughts, put on LFO and put the episode of the OC on pause and listen in on this revealing doc!