
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Taste Test of Rappler News Media Outlet (Episode 416.625)
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
This Taste Test episode on the news media outlet Rappler wraps up Halo Halo Podcast’s focus on Sex and Politics this May. Find out why Jezzie would pair this website with a light roasted, caffeinated but bold tasting coffee with two pumps of thin white chocolate with two equal parts in lactose-free cream. This reliable and truth seeking news source is groundbreaking for its role as being a watchdog for the Philippine government the past few years. Rappler’s fearless reporting delivered to their readers is truly testament in this age of disinformation, where it is truly important to get the right information that you can trust.

Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 416.5 - Your Battle Choice Warmup
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
On this warm up, Sigi encourages Jezzie to make choices on sets of people to lead him into battle. From fighting the creatures at "Jurassic Park" to navigating the galaxies, Jezzie is up to the challenge! Listen in as he provides such deep insight on this fun warm up—we guarantee that you will be Team Elmo and Team Star Wars in no time!

Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
On this episode of The Halo Halo Podcast Jezzie and Sigi start off with a mini Taste Taste of the show "Heartstopper" based on the graphic novel by Alice Osman currently streaming on Netflix. From a heartstopping series about coming of age, to a heartstopping election, the hosts shift to focus today’s episode topic, the recent Philippines Elections and its results. After discussing their initial reactions and thoughts, Jezzie poses the question: what does this Election for the Philippines mean for Filipinos and Filipinx/a/os in the Diaspora? After a discussion on facing the truth from the past, the hosts leave you with the cultural fixing of encouraging our listeners to find the blessing in the aftermath.

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Taste Test of ”White Hot--The Rise & Fall of Abercrombie & Fitch”
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
On this Taste Test Episode of The Halo Halo Podcast, Jezzie samples the documentary White Hot: The Rise and Fall of Abercrombie and Fitch currently streaming on Netflix. Like pickled sushi ginger, this eye opening doc was a palate cleanser. The trendy sportswear line was the unofficial brand of “the all American” collegiate preppy in the late 90s and early aughts. The fallen CEO Mike Jeffries had created a brand which perfected selling sex and popularity to young adults in high school and college with the A&F black and white images of shirtless models (courtesy of photographer, Bruce Weber.) The documentary outlines the various scandals of racist graphic tees (‘Two Wongs Can Make It White’); hiring practices/standards for beauty; mistreating employees of colour leading to lawsuits and the questionable predatory nature of Bruce Weber.
Take a trip back to the late 90s/early aughts, put on LFO and put the episode of the OC on pause and listen in on this revealing doc!

Monday May 09, 2022
Episode 415.5 - Your Sexy Choice Warmup
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
On this Warm Up, Sigi guides Jezzie through a series of “Celebrity Sexy Choices”. Play along and face the barrage of sexy choices. Can you make those crucial decisions when your choices can include: Paul Rudd or Mark Ruffalo; Zendaya or Camilla Cabello and Beyonce or Lizzo?

Friday May 06, 2022
Episode 415 - The Twitter Alterverse and Sexuality in the Philippines
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
This month of May, the Halo Halo Podcast devoted its episodes to Sex and Politics. On this week’s episode we discuss the Twitter Alterverse and Sexuality in the Philippines. The Alterverse is a digital space on twitter where participants can flirt with one another, be sexually suggestive or sexually explicit with one another, while hiding key parts of their identities. This enables participants to partake in the community as a way of not risking their true identities, reputations and harm to themselves or families. Jezzie and Sigi discuss what makes the Alterverse unique from other social media platforms/apps and how it is a gateway to other forms of communication and interaction. Later, Jezzie discusses how the existence of (and in some ways the need for) such a community makes a commentary about the Philippines and what sexuality is all about in the Philippines.

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Episode 414.75 - Meryenda on Salabat
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
On this Meryenda Episode of the Halo Halo Podcast, Jezzie and Sigi focus on SALABAT, the traditional Filipino tea made with fresh ginger. Sigi has it coursing through his veins after recuperating for a cold and gives us a little ASMR during this episode. Your hosts chat about the many remedies that salabat provides and their own connections to this Pinoy beverage. Need to fix that throat? Need to recharge your vocal chords during Holy Week? Have an upset stomach? A warm cup of this herbal remedy may be you staple go to!

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Taste Test of ”Topline” (Episode 414.625)
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
On this Taste Test, Jezzie samples "Topline" currently streaming on CBC Gem! Topline tells the story of Tala/Illisha who gets discovered by a production team, after releasing a social media sensation of her song “Cotton Candy.” Tala joins to eventually find her own song along the way. Creator Romeo Candido not only tells the story of a Filipino Canadian in our diaspora, but lets the viewer in how a person navigates two worlds (R&B/Music/EDM, and Filipino responsibility/expectations) while exhibiting his amazing ability to create a great hook. We highly recommend all of you to hear and watch a Filipino story revolving around finding your voice, coming of age, grief and the importance of family.

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Episode 414.5 - Shallow dive Warmup on ”Spiderman--No Way Home”
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
This is not a Taste Test, this is a quick discussion. No Way Home came out in late 2021. We were still in pandemic--some boosted, some not. Yes the spoiler was that the multiverse cracked open, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire came back to Spiderman. Praise be to Sony and Marvel and contract, but your co-hosts focus on the scene in the movie where it occurred–AT NED’S LOLA’S HOUSE–on this shallow dive warmup!

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
On this episode of The Halo Halo Podcast, Sigi and Jezzie put the spotlight on the actor, singer, songwriter, and now Grammy winning–Olivia Rodrigo. Last year on January 8th, she dropped one of the most listened to songs of 2021–"Drivers Licence." Your co-hosts talk about her career from being a Disney actor on "Bizaardvark" and "High School The Musical: The Series" to her debut album SOUR. Later, your co-hosts talk about the preservation of Filipino culture in mixed children. Jezzie shares that preserving our culture is not about necessarily all about maintaining past practices and traditions. It is about being able to take the values, qualities and traditions of our heritage and allowing it to evolve. And still later, your co-hosts go on to discuss how for mixed children, their culture and heritage is often questioned, and their identities authenticated by others. Jezzie highlights that we should instead empower children to claim their Filipino/a/x identities for themselves, and any other identities with which they identify.