
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Episode 105.75 - Debunk this!
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Friday Nov 30, 2018
Welcome to to our first three-quarter's episode! No, this isn't a tribute to Harry Potter. This is a snack-size (meryenda) episode to help tide you over when there are three weeks between our full episodes. In these episodes, we try our best to debunk a Filipino custom/tradition or stereotype/myth. In this meryenda episode, we do our best to explain why Filipinos walk with tsinelas (slippers) inside one's house. We take a closer look at why we have alot of Titas. We do a bit of a history dive as to why Filipinos love karaoke. Finally, why do we eat with forks and spoons?
In the Mix this Week:
Tagalog Lang's take on Tsinelas,
Filipino Titas on Thanksgiving,
Filipino styles and honorifics,
Karaoke-Inventor Roberto Del Rosario ,
Westlife's Uptown Girl,
Bobby Brown,
Spoon over Fork,
Ponderosa and Bonaza Steakhouses (They still exist!)

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Episode 105.5 - Love Letter to Stan Lee
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
In honour of Stan Lee, we express our heartfelt feelings and thoughts on the pop cultural impact that he has had. We recognize how he not only entertained us, but also taught us that adopting a measured approached to power is responsibly managing it; that embracing who you are is the key to anyone's identity; that love can transcend any put-upon barrier; that exposing hatred in its most grittiest and implicit forms is how to diminish it entirely; that representation has mattered since the 1960s; and he offers us a master class on how to do a cameo. We have no doubt that his impact will continue to resonate with us for generations to come.
In this extra helping:
Spiderman's Greatest Gift,
X-Men's (film series),
Firestar and Sunfire (Spiderman's Amazing Friends),
Stan Lee Denouncing Racism and Bigotry,
Ned's discovery,
Stan Lee's King of Cameos

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Episode 105 - Fashion x Collaboration x Filipino
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
We take a dive into fashion collaborations and the H&M x Moschino Collection on this episode. Before we spring into, and break down the collection, Sigi tell us about the Filipino comfort food, ukoy, and shares the recipe here. We reminisce about Target Canada and try our best to understand it's untimely demise. We then encourage you to analyze along with us by declaring either "Toot or Boot" or "Nay or Yay" as we pick 10 images from H&M x Moschino lookbook and discuss how the designs thrill us or not , and how the collection references the nineties, Disney and MTV. We also explore the Marie Alcober's docuseries "Dual Citizen" series and how she's profiled Filipino Canadians, like a conscious-raising musical artist Han-Han and the creative director of modern Filpinana wear at Vinta Gallery, Caroline Mangosing. Caroline's approach to fashion makes us realize how fashion not only references styles, but also references regions. We meditate on how regionalism in the Philippines reflects the particular emphasis and expression of being Filipino in that area, and invite listeners to appreciate those differences.
In the Mix this Week:
H&M Collaborations over the years,
Jeremy Scott Short Bio,
News of Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott,
Jeremy Scott Webstore ,
Diane Von Furstenberg for Gap,
Dual Citizen Series,
Han Han,
VINTA Gallery - Modern Filipinana

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Episode 104.5 - Roommate Icebreakers
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Sigi warms us up by returning to our university residence life roots with "Roommate Icebreakers," in this extra helping of the Halo Halo Podcast. Learn which one of us might be the clumsy one, and hear us regret our fashion foray in using safety pins during the 80s old school punk movement. Listen to us contemplate which words we would like to see retire from the English language, as well as discover which celebrities' lives we would most want to snatch!
In this extra helping:
Joe Fresh,
Rupaul Charles,
Ryan Murphy's IMDb,
The Late Late Show's James Cordon,
Why Wrestling is important to high school students

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Episode 104 - Let's Eat and Then Brag about Filipino Foods
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Kain Na! Let's eat! We invite you to unpack and process, with us, the recent arrival of Filipino-centred retail food chains to Canada. We examine the cultural significance of Jollibees; the importance of fried chicken at Max's restaurant; and the meaning that Seafood City brings to a Filipino pantry in Canada. All this talk of food creates an appetite for us to understand how Filipino foods reflects our cultural values, and wonder why it hasn't been more mainstream. We discover that Filipino Food is the original fusion cuisine that focuses on the balance between sour and sweet (or more rightly, saucy and sweet), cooked lovingly in an acidic, tomato, or coconut broth. We discuss how Filipino cuisine is poised to go from humble and regional food, to more mainstream in recognition. We just need to brag (a little bit) about how great Filipino food is. Again, Kain na!
In the Mix this Week:
A Star is Born (2018),
Madonna's 20/20 Interview where she says "It's Reductive" and not what Jezzie remembers,
Jollibee Canada,
Max's Restaurant, Cuisine of the Philippines,
Seafood City,
Crispy Pata Recipe at Kawaling Pinoy,
Pork Sinigang Recipe at Kawaling Pinoy,
Dip better: Top 5 Filipino Sawsawan you need to know by Chris Urbano,
Ulam, the Movie

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Episode 103.5 - Identity and Identify
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Here's your extra helping of the Halo Halo Podcast, as we map ourselves onto pop culture and ask the questions of who do I identify with or which identity would I take on? Play along with us and tell us who you would be? Who we identify with tell us so much about ourselves and what we value. Find out which one of us would be the stylish one, and who would gladly be the sidekick!
In this extra helping:
Optimus Prime,
Tygra of Thundercats,
Balki Bartokomous of "Perfect Strangers",

Friday Oct 19, 2018
Episode 103 - The Meta Episode and What's in your Box?
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Welcome to our Meta episode! Before we podcast about podcasts, we learn about the recent Tornados that tore through the Ottawa Region and find out that we can help through our financial donations at the Red Cross (Donations can be made online and provide victims of the storm hot meals or call 1-800-418-1111). We contemplate what house at Hogwarts that Sigi would be in and then look at what podcasts that we are both listening to on our media devices or digitial boxes. We list the podcasts that we adore, analyze their greatness and explore what they say about us. Finally, we take a personal examination of the balikbayan boxes and also analyze and explore what they mean to us and the broader Filipino-Canadian Community. We open up how the balikbayan boxes are a call to not only visit the Philippines as an opportunity to learn, but to share the wealth that any overseas Filipino may have gained.
In the Mix this Week:
Balikbayan Box,
Late Night Whenever with Michelle Buteau,
How I Built This,
Good Job Brain,
Anna Faris is Unqualified,
Black Men Can’t Jump,
How Did This Get Made,
Fresh Batch with Michelle Collins,
Nerdist (pre drama),
Aisha Tyler's Girl on Guy (cancelled),
Pop My Culture (cancelled),
NYT’s Still processing,
NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour,
Tom & Lorenzo’s Popstyle Opinionfest,
RuPaul: What’s the Tea with Michelle Visage,
CBC Radio’s Power and Politics,
Vox’s Borders

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 102.5 - Agree/Disagree or Believe/Disbelieve
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Here's your extra helping of the Halo Halo Podcast--Thanksgiving Edition! Listen in on our behind the scenes warmup, where we play the forced-choice game: Agree/Disagree or Believe/Disbelieve. Play along with us in this wishbone-of-a-game, as we take sides on the better Shonda Rhimes show, who has the best coffee, and the better Canadian Season. Happy Thanksgiving!
In this extra helping:
Carrie Underwood's duet with Keith Urban "The Fighter",
Celine in Las Vegas,
Shonda Rhimes' "Scandal",
McCafe, McDonald's Coffee,
Four Seasons (Vivaldi)

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Episode 102 - To All the Filipino Canadians We Love!
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
In our Thanksgiving Episode, we unpack the stuffing and goodness in Netflix's "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" staring Lana Condor and Noah Centineo. We reminisce about the predecessor's to this gem of a movie and remember the films of John Hughes (e.g., "The Breakfast Club," 16 Candles," and "Pretty in Pink"). We find out that Jezzie likes triple-fried adobo and that turkey stuffing gives you currency at the watercooler or the playground, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving day. Finally, we process how "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" stands apart (and different) from the other movies in the young adult genre, take an initial look at the diffences among Filipino Canadians, and celebrate how we are not a monolithic community. Happy Thanksgiving!
In the Mix this Week:
To All The Boys I've Loved Before,
John Hughes' IMBD entry,
Filipino Canadians,
Domestic Worker Program

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Surprise! Here'a an extra helping of the Halo Halo Podcast. Here's a behind the scenes listen to our warmup before we start our podcast. Enjoy our silly banter, Sigi seranading us (i.e., you've been warned), our dream to see Bali and podcast from there, plus we wax and wane about 1993. Also, how would you spend a million dollars?
In this extra helping:
19 Day Cruise from Singapore, via Bali to Sydney,
Madonna & Prince's "Love Song",
Vulture - Entertainment News - TV, Movies, Music, Books, Theater, Art,
Detroit Become Human Video Game,
New York Times,
Lotto Max. Play Responsibly!