
Friday May 19, 2023
Episode 514 - Cambio & Co. Deconstructed
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
On this episode of The Halo Halo Podcast we are pleased to have Gelaine Santiago, co-founder and CEO of Cambio & Co. join our co-hosts in the virtual studios. Gelaine shares her journey from the province of Bulacan in the Philippines to Canada. Along the way she and the co-hosts revisit reinventing themselves in university and socializing with their peers at Guelph and Western. Gelaine shares that it was that fateful trip to the Philippines in 2012, (where she had some amazing lechon) and a reconnection with her roots where the idea of Cambio & Co. first came to her and her husband, (Cambio’s Co-founder.) This Filipino jewelry company provides sustainable livelihood for artisans in the Philippines and empowers Filipinos in the diaspora to #wearyourheritage. In 2019, Gelaine launched Sinta & Co, a Filipino wedding boutique to help couples celebrate their heritage on their wedding and milestone events. And now, you can book an appointment to visit Bahay Cambio, their Filipino jewelry and wedding showroom in Toronto.
Download this episode and listen to hear more of this candid conversation!
And hey what are you waiting for, go to www.shopcambio.co and check it out! And on Instagram follow @cambio_co, @sinta_co, and @gelainesantiago.

Monday May 08, 2023
Episode 513.5 - Met Gala Dream Draft 2024 Warmup
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
On this warm up Sigi grants Jezzie’s wish and asks what would be his dream theme for the Met Gala 2024. From the Future of Filipinana and Madge being a co-chair, tune in as the co-host do their Met Gala Dream Draft.

Friday May 05, 2023
Episode 513 - Met Gala 2023 and Luxury
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
For the month of May, The Halo Halo Podcast’s theme is fashion! So it is perfect to start off with fashion’s biggest night—The Met Gala. The first Monday of May has been one of Jezzie’s favourite time of the year and the co-hosts recap some of the lewks of the 2023 Met Gala which was “In Honour of Karl Lagerfeld.” Before they dive in, Sigi and Jezzie discuss the rom com action movie "Ghosted" and explore Chris Evans appeal and Sigi’s crush on Ana DeArmas in "No Time to Die." After the Met Gala hot takes on lewks served by Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Lil Nas X, Nicole Kidman and a debate on the homage to Choupette, Jezzie talks luxury, extravagant living and being a little extra.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Taste Test of ”Varsity Blues” (Episode 512.625)
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
On this Taste Test Episode , Raie joins Sigi in the Halo Halo Podcast Studios as Jezzie is on location. They go into the vault and provide counterpoint to the previous Taste Test of "Friday Night Lights", they (re)sample "Varsity Blues." Find out why they would pair this movie with a reheated tuna melt and Popeye’s cigar–er, candy sticks. Join in as they venture to West Cannan Texas, where the Mox (Dawson from the Creek) a second string quarterback with dreams of going to Brown leads his team on the football field and goes head to head against the head coach, Bud Kilmer, (played by Angelina Jolie’s daddy.) So put on "My Hero" by the Foo Fighters, throw on your best Texas drawl and listen in!

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Episode 512.5 - Fan Favourite Warmup
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
On this Warm Up, Jezzie and Sigi talk about sports they followed when growing up. Not only do the hosts give you a primer on cable and descramblers in the 80’s, Jezzie talks about how he discovered rowing at university and Sigi talks about playing tennis as a kid and loving Michael Chang.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Jezzie and Sigi discuss the docuseries "All or Nothing-Toronto Maple Leafs". They both get wrapped up on how the series documents the Maple Leafs and their journey into the playoffs in 2021 amid the pandemic. Jezzie highlights the arcs of this show and Sigi discovers that this could serve as a primer on understanding the NHL from a team perspective. Later, Jezzie touches on how endurance when paired with a positive mindset and the ability to embrace failure becomes stamina. From there, if you add passion, it becomes grit and allows you to continue going on without ever giving up, despite not achieving what you’ve set out to do (kinda like the Toronto Maple Leafs). Jezzie make a wonderful comparison to the Philippines’ national animal and leaves us with an appropriate fixing of the week, “Have HOPE. (Hang On, Pain Ends)".

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Taste Test of ”Friday Night Lights--The Series” (Episode 511.625)
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Clear eyes, Full hearts, Can't Lose! On this taste test episode and in honour of April being devoted to sports and spring training, Jezzie is joined by guest co-host, Marie-Beath, as they both savour (like chicken pot pie) the comforting and rich storytelling of "Friday Night Lights". Listen in as both talk about how this series is not only authentic and intimate in its dramatization of rural life and football in West Texas, but also surprising in its ability to critique social issues while making us leave room in our hearts for all the endearing characters we meet on "Friday Night Lights".

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Episode 511.5 - Sports Movies Warmup
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
On this warm up Jezzie and Sigi talk about their fave Sport Flicks. Find out who is a Kirsten Dunst fan and Jez goes for a deep cut and gives props to the Muscles From Brussels. Join in and let us know what your fave sports flicks are!

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Episode 511 - ”Ted Lasso” Deep Dive and Mental Health in Sports
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
On the episiode of The Halo Halo Podcast, your hosts welcome spring with some sports influenced themes and kick off the month with a deep dive on "Ted Lasso" and Mental Health in Sports. But first, their pop culture catch up finds Sigi talking about "Hot Ones" and the Gwyneth trial while Jezzie consumes the latest RuPaul Drag Race and the doc "Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey". Next, they jump into Ted Lasso’s shoes and his journey into the Premier League.This relentless optimistic coach at the centre of the story encourages his team to be about the sport not the game. Sigi and Jez take turns citing their fave characters, arcs and episodes of the Emmy and Golden Globe winning show, now streaming its 3rd Season on Apple TV. Later Jezzie discusses how sports is a frontier space for mental health to be challenged by prejudice because it inherently values competition over excellence. The co-host leave you with two fixings of the week, “Do your best and forget the rest” and the Ted Lasso classic “Believe”

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Episode 510.75 - Meryenda on Sweet Spaghetti
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
On this Mereyenda Episode of The Halo Halo Podcast Sigi and Jezzie examine sweet spaghetti. But first, your co-host play pop culture catch up. Sigi discusses Jen Sookfong Lee’s book "Superfan: How Pop Culture Broke My Heart" and Marvel’s "Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur". Jezzie dives back into the Star Wars Universe via "Bad Batch" and "The Mandalorian" while also enjoying Jon Stewart’s "The Problem."
Later the hosts discuss how symbolically, Filipino spaghetti represents an intersection of American imperialism, Filipino creativity and ingenuity, and ideas of Filipino inclusion and accommodation. So get out some pasta, banana ketchup, hot dogs and dig into this episode!